Ordinary Meeting   Date: 15 May 2024, 6pm, Filesize: 275mb Download Meeting

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  • Item 1: Apologies
  • Item 2: Disclosure of Interest
  • Item 3: Confirmation of Minutes
  • Item 4: Matters in Progress
  • Item 5: Mayoral Minute
  • Item 6: Notices of Motion or Rescission
  • 6.1 Update on Mudgee Administration Building Upgrade
  • Item 7: Office of the General Manager
  • Item 8: Development
  • 8.1 Draft Employment Lands Strategy (Industrial) 2024
  • 8.2 Events Assistance Applications
  • 8.3 Acceptance of Grant Funding for The Welcome Experience
  • 8.4 Policy Review - Street Banner Usage Policy
  • 8.5 Monthly Development Applications Processing and Determined
  • Item 9: Corporate Services
  • 9.1 Monthly Budget Review - April 2024
  • 9.2 Quarterly Budget Review - March 2024
  • 9.3 Monthly Statement of Investments as at 30 April 2024
  • 9.4 Community Grants Program - May 2024
  • 9.5 Policy Review - Borrowing
  • 9.6 Policy Review - Financial Reserves
  • 9.7 Policy Review - Related Party Disclosure
  • 9.8 Loan Funding Mudgee Valley Park Expansion
  • 9.9 Classification of Land - Lot 1200 DP 1301185 Drainage Reserve at 21 Moore Street, Caerleon
  • 9.10 Permanent Partial Road Closure at Lewis Street, Mudgee
  • 9.11 Permanent Partial Road Closure at Saleyards Lane, Mudgee
  • 9.12 Community Land Plan of Management - Adoption
  • Item 10: Operations
  • 10.1 Draft Walking & Cycling Strategic Plan for Public Exhibition
  • Item 11: Community
  • 11.1 Audit Risk and Improvement Committee - Additional Independent Committee Member
  • 11.2 Library Services Quarterly Report - January to March 2024
  • 11.3 Mudgee Centre of Excellence Training Camp Progress Update
  • 11.4 Mudgee Valley Park Expansion Project Progress Update
  • 11.5 MRT Quarterly Report - January to March 2024
  • 11.6 Policy Review - Statement of Business Ethics
  • Item 12: Reports from Committees
  • 12.1 Rail Committee Minutes - 19 April 2024
  • 12.2 Mid-Western Regional Youth Council
  • 12.3 Gulgong Memorial Hall Committee Meeting
  • 12.4 Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes - April 2024
  • Item 13: Urgent Business Without Notice
  • Item 14: Confidential Session
  • 14.1 Major Event Glen Willow Exemption from Tender
  • Item 15: Urgent Confidential Business Without Notice
  • Item 16: Open Council
  • Item 17: Closure
  • Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 17 July 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 19 June 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 22 May 2024 Extraordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 15 May 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 17 April 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 20 March 2024 Ordinary Meeting