Ordinary Meeting   Date: 17 April 2024, 6pm, Filesize: 134mb Download Meeting

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  • Item 1: Apologies
  • Item 2: Disclosure of Interest
  • Item 3: Confirmation of Minutes
  • Item 4: Matters in Progress
  • Item 5: Mayoral Minute Nil
  • Item 6: Notices of Motion or Rescission
  • 6.1 Land and Environment Plan
  • Item 7: Office of the General Manager
  • Item 8: Development
  • 8.1 DA0238/2024 - PAN-415255 - Boundary Adjustment (3 into 3 lots) - Old Bombira 7 Moggs Lane BOMBIRA
  • 8.2 Planning Proposal - 10 - 12 Burrundulla Avenue, Mudgee
  • 8.3 Monthly Development Applications Processing and Determined - March 2024
  • 8.4 Policy Review - Media Policy
  • Item 9: Corporate Services
  • 9.1 Policy Review - Land Acquisition and Disposal
  • 9.2 Naming of new streets in a subdivision off Hone Creek Drive, Caerleon
  • 9.3 Naming of a new street in a subdivision off Rifle Range Road, Mudgee
  • 9.4 Monthly Statement of Investments as at 31 March 2024
  • 9.5 Monthly Budget Review - March 2024
  • 9.6 Draft Delivery Program 2022/26 and Draft Operational Plan 2024/25
  • 9.7 MWRC Distributed Battery Energy Storage System
  • Item 10: Operations
  • Item 11: Community
  • 11.1 Robertson Park Mudgee Master Plan - Post Exhibition Report
  • 11.2 Community and Cultural Services Quarterly Report
  • 11.3 Solar Array Progress Report
  • 11.4 Review of Mudgee Library Opening Hours
  • 11.5 Rescission of Policy - Access to Information
  • Item 12: Reports from Committees
  • 12.1 Sports Advisory Groups Update - Meetings February 2024
  • 12.2 Botobolar Community Committee Meeting Minutes - 26 March 2024
  • Item 13: Urgent Business Without Notice
  • Item 14: Confidential Session
  • 14.1 Purchase of Cabin at Mudgee Valley Park
  • Item 15: Urgent Confidential Business Without Notice
  • Item 16: Open Council
  • Item 17: Closure
  • Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 17 July 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 19 June 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 22 May 2024 Extraordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 15 May 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 17 April 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 20 March 2024 Ordinary Meeting