Ordinary Meeting   Date: 21 February 2024, 6pm, Filesize: 320mb Download Meeting

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  • Item 1: Apologies
  • Item 2: Disclosure of Interest
  • Item 3: Confirmation of Minutes
  • Item 4: Matters in Progress
  • Item 5: Mayoral Minute
  • 5.1 Mayoral Minute - Mudgee Classic 2024
  • Item 6: Notices of Motion or Rescission
  • 6.1 Naming of the Community Gallery at Mudgee Arts Precinct
  • 6.2 February 2024 Mental Health Training for our Community
  • 6.3 Resume Seal Extension Program
  • 6.4 Nullo Mountain Road Maintenance
  • 6.5 Increase Allowable Height to Build Around Mudgee
  • Item 7: Office of the General Manager
  • Item 8: Development
  • 8.1 RVA0002/2024 - Section 8.2 Review of Determination ME0040/2023 (DA0135/2012) - Temporary Workers Accommodation - 94 Main Street, Ulan
  • 8.2 DA0329/2022 - Partial Demolition, Commercial/Industrial Redevelopment and Signage - 19, 21 and 23 Sydney Road, Mudgee
  • 8.3 DA0052/2024 - Subdivision (70 Residential Lots) Stage 13 - Caerleon Estate - 40 Hone Creek Drive, Caerleon
  • 8.4 Planning Proposal Gulgong - Heights of Buildings Amendment
  • 8.5 Renewable Energy Planning Agreement Policy - Post Public Exhibition
  • 8.6 Acceptance of NSW Grant Funding
  • 8.7 Burials on Private Land Policy
  • 8.8 Monthly Development Applications Processing and Determined - December 2023
  • 8.9 Monthly Development Applications Processing and Determined - January 2024
  • Item 9: Corporate Services
  • 9.1 Monthly Statement of Investments as at 31 December 2023
  • 9.2 Monthly Statement of Investments as at 31 January 2024
  • 9.3 Monthly Budget Review - January 2024
  • 9.4 Quarterly Budget Review - December 2023
  • 9.5 Community Grants Program - February 2024
  • 9.6 Deductible Gift Recipient status for Mudgee Arts Precinct and the MidWestern Regional Council Library
  • 9.7 Proposed Partial Road Closure at Saleyards Lane
  • 9.8 Further Amendment to Road Closure Land Transfer Deed Ulan-Wollar Road
  • 9.9 Classification of Land - Lot 2 DP 510997 at 292 Saleyards Lane, Mudgee
  • Item 10: Operations
  • 10.1 Sealing of Scotts Lane, Gulgong.
  • 10.2 Drinking Water Annual Report an Factsheet
  • 10.3 Policy Reviews - Operations
  • Item 11: Community
  • 11.1 Costing for Air Conditioning at Rylstone Hall
  • 11.2 Mudgee Centre of Excellence Training Camp Progress Update
  • 11.3 Mudgee Valley Park Expansion Project Progress Update .
  • 11.4 Community and Cultural Services Quarterly Report
  • 11.5 Mudgee Town Hall Cinema Equipment
  • 11.6 Library Services Quarterly Report
  • 11.7 Review of Mudgee Library Opening Hours
  • Item 12: Reports from Committees
  • 12.1 Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes - December 2023
  • Item 13: Urgent Business Without Notice
  • Item 14: Confidential Session
  • 14.1 Sale of Land - Stage 2 Saleyards Lane Subdivision
  • Item 15: Urgent Confidential Business Without Notice
  • Item 16: Open Council
  • Item 17: Closure
  • Previous Meetings

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    View Council Meeting 17 July 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 19 June 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 22 May 2024 Extraordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 15 May 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 17 April 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 20 March 2024 Ordinary Meeting