Ordinary Meeting   Date: 13 December 2023, 6pm, Filesize: 140mb Download Meeting

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  • Item 1: Apologies.
  • Item 2: Disclosure of Interest
  • Item 3: Confirmation of Minutes
  • Item 4: Matters in Progress
  • Item 5: Mayoral Minute
  • Item 6: Notices of Motion or Rescission
  • Item 7: Office of the General Manager
  • Item 8: Development
  • 8.1 DA0251/2023 - Alterations and Additions to Dwelling and New Shed at 74 Mayne Street, Gulgong
  • 8.2 ME0040/2023 - Section 4.55(1A) Modification to DA0135/2012 - Temporary Workers Accommodation - Increase from 144 to 200 beds - Lot 32 DP 750773 - 94 Main Street, Ulan
  • 8.3 Development Control Plan 2013 - Amendment 7
  • 8.4 Impacts of State Significant Development Report
  • 8.5 Events Assistance Application
  • 8.6 Airport - Hangar 4 Access to Taxiway
  • 8.7 Acceptance of NSW Grant Funding
  • 8.8 Monthly Development Applications Processing and Determined
  • Item 9: Corporate Services
  • 9.1 Monthly Budget Review - November 2023
  • 9.2 Monthly Statement of Investments as at 30 November 2023
  • 9.3 Classification of Land - Lot 2 DP510997 at 292 Saleyards Lane Mudgee
  • 9.4 Sale of Land to Recover Overdue Rates and Charges - Chapter 17, Part 2, Division 5, Section 713 Local Government Act,1993
  • 9.5 Draft Plan of Management Old Gulgong Fire Station - Adoption
  • 9.6 Draft Plan of Management Community Land - Post Crown Review
  • 9.7 Naming of a new road in a subdivision off Rifle Range Road, Mudgee
  • 9.8 Policy Reviews - Revenue
  • 9.9 Policy Review - Fraud and Corruption Control
  • 9.10 General Manager Performance Review Panel
  • Item 10: Operations
  • 10.1 Policy Reviews - Operations
  • 10.2 Policy Review - Drinking Water
  • Item 11: Community
  • 11.1 Delegation of Authority General Manager - December 2023 - January 2024
  • 11.2 Australia Day Awards Selection Panel
  • 11.3 Councillor Representative on the Crudine Ridge Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee
  • 11.4 Solar Array Progress Report
  • Item 12: Reports from Committees
  • 12.1 Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Minutes - 24 November 2023
  • 12.2 Botobolar Community Committee Meeting Minutes - 24 October 2023
  • 12.3 Gulgong Memorial Hall Committee Meeting
  • 12.4 Rail Committee Minutes - 3 November 2023
  • Item 13: Urgent Business Without Notice
  • Item 14: Confidential Session
  • Item 15: Urgent Confidential Business Without Notice
  • Item 16: Open Council
  • Item 17: Closure
  • Previous Meetings

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